HIDDEN WINE archives
The sacredness of the ordinary and the revolution of the soul An evening talk and one day workshop with Mayan shaman Martín Prechtel October Oct. 16-17, 1999 San Francisco, California |
16 OCT |
Recognizing the Gifts
of the Unseen: The Sacredness of the Ordinary This world is the song of the Unseen. Like a small bird or a wild flower growing in a parking lot, a homeless person or our own neglected hearts when we go to work, it is often those things that elude our vision whose blessing gives us the most life. In my rituals the Unseen, the unknown, the forgotten, and the unwanted are the priests whose blessing I long for. When the eyes are opened and the heart can see, the soul of a person who has lived and failed and lived again, initiated by life itself, is surrounded by life whose commonness is framed in a extraordinary shininess. The smallest most common weed, an old dusty way of going, become the hair on the head of the Divine. Martín Prechtel
An Evening with Mayan Shaman Martín Prechtel 7:30 pm Angelico Concert Hall Dominican College 50 Acacia Ave San Rafael, California Cost: $18 at the door |
evening as Mayan shaman, Martín Prechtel, helps us recognize the sacredness of the ordinary, so all that is common becomes an abundance of gifts from the Unseen. |
17 OCT |
Revolution of the Soul:
Marrying your own heart When some part of our mind is forced to buy into a way of doing things, feeding our children, and getting the tools to lead a life the rest of us, especially our souls, cannot understand or endorse, then our hearts ask for a referendum, but is it ever heard, is there ever an election these days where our souls, the souls of animals, the souls of the earth, the souls of the ancestors, and the souls of the tortured world have a vote. To survive, our unheard souls must find a new language, another way to knock at the door of complacency, another way to find The Eye, so that the world and all its original majesty can once again be seen. A revolution of our souls who descend into the Underworld to retrieve the original seeds of life has to happen if the world will come together. Not dogmatic religion, not rootless life, not what we have already known, but the imagination of the poet, the artist, the dancer, the singer, the painter, the sculpture, the ritualist, the potter, the sighs of frustrated youth and the frightened old must come together; each throwing their magnificent seeds into the fertile ground of today and watered with the tears of hope and past frustration, and then, a revolution of the soul would put the sweet marriage of ourselves with what is holy in this earth back into its rightful Throne within our lives.
Sunday...All Day Workshop
9:00 am - 5:00 pm Potrero Hill Neighborhood House 953 DeHaro Street San Francisco, CA Cost is $95.00
For more information about Hidden Wine events: Call 860-923-6987, E-mail: hiddenwine@earthlink.net On the Web: http://www.hiddenwine.com/ |
On Friday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 pm, Gaia Books is sponsoring a reading & booksigning by Martín Prechtel of his new book Long Life, Honey in the Heart: A Story of Initiation and Eloquence from the Shores of a Mayan Lake in their bookstore at 1400 Shattack, Berkeley. For more info and directions: (510) 548-4172 |
There will be also be a book table before and following the evening talk on Sat. Oct. 16, courtesy of Gaia Books. |
Martin Prechtel, shaman and teacher, was raised in New Mexico on a Pueblo Indian reservation. In 1971 Nicolas Chiviliu, a Mayan shaman from Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala called Martin to become his student and succeed him. Martin lived with Chiviliu for years, was initiated as a shaman and after his teachers death, took his place, healing and shamanizing among 30,000 Tzutujil Mayans amidst his new found village. After 1978 Martin became chief initiator and a public leader, guiding the young village men through long ceremonies. Martín resides in New Mexico and works as a painter, musician, storyteller, teacher and always, as a healer. His book Secrets of the Talk ing Jaguar was released in August 1998 by Putnam and the response to the book has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic. His second book Long Life Honey in the HeartStories of Mayan Initiation will be released in October of 1999. Martín is most extraordinary as a teacher because, with great beauty and articulation, he is able to stand with one foot in the world of Western spiritual traditions and the other foot and his entire soul within his own tradition. Teaching internationally through ceremony, lecture and healing work, Martín helps people in many lands reconnect with their own sense of placetheir sense of the daily sacred. Robert Bly describes Martín as A short kind of pony that gallops through the fields of human possibility with flowers dropping out of his mouth... |
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Please register early. Mail to:
Hidden Wine
3330 Humboldt Ave., So
North Grosvenordale, CT 06255
For More Information call Craig Ungerman:
Call 860-923-6987, ,
E-mail: hiddenwine@earthlink.net
Artwork copyright 1998 Martín Prechtel, all rights reserved
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This web page created by 4insight.
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URL http://www.hiddenwine.com/sf99.html ©1999 4insight LLC