HIDDEN WINE archives
HIDDEN WINE presents |
On a Horse Made of Swans Vermont Writer's Retreat in the Lake Champlain Islands with Martín Prechtel Location: YMCA camp Abnaki, North Hero, Vermont Contact: Craig Ungerman email: hiddenwine@earthlink.net http://www.hiddenwine.com I am not sure when I first realized how each of our lives must be a story sung aloud by subtle and powerful spirit beings inside an invisible layer of existence. It is their telling of our stories that push us into life. The way we dance out the wild song is how we live out our lives. Likewise, when we humans tell our own stories and dedicate them to those unseen singers of life, they in turn are fed by us, their thirst slaked by the water of our emotions, fattened by our sufferings, elated by our durability, these invisible life-giving singers of our stories are kept energized and inspired by our remembering of them and can therefore continue telling us into existence. Their language is life itself. Human language can either feed that life or poison it. For this reason I try to reward those storytelling spirits with the word paintings of my own life where I can love, be loved, fail and feel, grieve and fumble, dancing to their entangled rhythm. Please join me in Vermont, the land of honey and visionaries, rock-hard maple and soft granite hills, a land of milk and maple syrup, tolerant bears, clear rivers and crazy colored leaves, while the last crickets of summer still twitter and creak. Before the Sun rides away on his winter horse of swans lets get together to feast our invisible souls; learning to cook a fine meal of delicious words with our own stories, where human suffering, humor and mystery can flower through inspired diligence into a gift whose unsuspected shine can bless what blesses us all. |
![]() Sept 11-17, 2000 Vermont Click for more info and registration form More info about Martín Prechtel's schedule at floweringmountain.com |
16th Annual Minnesota Men's Conference |
Feasting the Mother Bear 16th Annual Minnesota Men's Conference Teachers: Robert Bly, Martín Prechtel, Miguel Rivera, Tom Verner Location: Camp Miller, Sturgeon Lake, MN Contact: Craig Ungerman email: hiddenwine@earthlink.net http://www.hiddenwine.com Inside every man, often forgotten or unseen, is some diverse thing, that is useful for the village, the world and himself. _________________ ROBERT BLY IS McKNIGHT DISTINGUISHED ARTIST
![]() Sept 19-24, 2000 Minnesota |
Annual Conference for Men and Women |
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"Love Letters to the Flowering Earth: Annual Conference for Men and Women" Teachers: Martín Prechtel, Robert Bly, Gioia Timpanelli Location: The Ghost Ranch; Abiquiu, NM Contact: Craig Ungerman email: hiddenwine@earthlink.net http://www.hiddenwine.com Before the appearance of humans, a very long time ago, a talkative God longed for speech and company. Somewhere in the wild yellow and red canyons around Ghost Ranch he began to make a speaking, feeling being we now call a human.
![]() October 6-10, 2000 New Mexico |
HIDDEN WINE p r e s e n t s. . . . .
Martín Prechtel's schedule at floweringmountain.com For more information about Hidden Wine events: |
Please bookmark this page and return for updated program materials and information! URL http://www.hiddenwine.com/index.html ©2000 4insight LLC This web page created by 4insight | Contact Mark Stanley at 612-722-2076 or 612 801-7355, send e-mail to info@4insight.com, http://www.4insight.com/ |