HIDDEN WINE archives

For more information about Hidden Wine events:
Contact: Craig Ungerman (860) 923-6987.
web site: http://www.hiddenwine.com
email: hiddenwine@earthlink.net

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the Rose, the Thorn, and the Raggedy Child: Story and the Struggle for Love and Imagination
New Mexico
Literary Arts &

The Way Of
The Mountain


Wednesday Evening
September 29, 1999
7:30 pm
James A. Little Theatre
1060 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico
An Evening of Storytelling, Platica, & Booksigning with Master Storytellers and Authors Martín Prechtel & Gioia Timpanelli

Join Gioia Timpanelli and Martín Prechtel for an enthralling  evening steeped in the ageless tradition of Story...

Through mesmerizing storytelling, Gioia and Martín will bring to life stories from Sicily and the Central American Maya, and explore our profound instinct for Story as it relates to our personal struggle for love and the survival of the imagination. Through a well told Story, the human soul can dream of love and awaken to an awareness of diversity, belonging, grief, beauty and hope.  Our own stories are seen inside the old stories and this relevancy blesses us in such a magical way that we may not have to live out the lonliness and superficiality adopted by the modern age. A new hopeful time may arise from our ability with story and the reemergence of a reverent imagination.  

Come, be here, as Gioia and Martín pull out the stories both old and new and  make us dream and live again.

Tickets are $15 at the door
$13 in advance

Tickets On Sale:
Collected Works Bookstore
208B West San Francisco Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Call (505) 454-9628
for more Information

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