HIDDENWINE presents |
Winter 2004 |
Behind the Eyes of Sleeping Bears Martín Prechtels Winter Writers Retreat |
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Weeping Beauty into the Footprint of the World: Writing to Heal the Monsters Heart February 22-29, 2004 at Ojo Caliente, New Mexico "In every part of the Holy Earth where humans still converse and speak of a time before their own, if you listen closely and long enough, you will at some point always hear a certain type of ancient tale in whose telling, insatiably hungry giants appear, who energetically hunt, haul away and eat human children in much the same way as people consume plants and animals, until a future generation of people is no longer possible. |
Transportation "Perhaps most remarkable is the luminous eloquence of Prechtel's language-the book is written in a style that carries something of the flavor of the indigenous oral tradition, a style worthy of the reverence accorded by most oral peoples to the beauty of living language. It's a landmark text...Don't miss it." David Abram
Come join the winter writer's workshop,
February 22-29, 2004 with Martín Prechtel,
author of Secrets of the Talking Jaguar,
Long Life, Honey in the Heart
The Disobedience of the Daughter of the Sun:
Ecstasy and Time and the newest book:
The Toe Bone and the Tooth
recently released in 2003.
Possible subjects covered by Martín
at his Winter Writers Workshop:
Martín Prechtel
For the last couple of years Martín Prechtel, author of Secrets of the Talking Jaguar and Long Life, Honey in the Heart, has been conducting very successful creative writing workshops where the prose writer, non-writer, poet, and lovers of spiritual literacy can all come together, learn from each other and Martín.
Martín Prechtel, an author, teacher, and shaman, was raised in New Mexico on a Pueblo Indian reservation. In 1971 Nicholas Chiviliu, an aging Mayan shaman from Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala called Martín to become his student. Martín lived with Chiviliu for years, was initiated as a shaman and after his teachers death, succeeded him, healing and shamanizing among 30,000 Tzutujil Mayans in his new found village. After 1978 Martín became chief initiator and a public leader, guiding the young men through long ceremonies.
1.Learning to hear the metaphor in old stories
2. Hearing the culture in the old stories
3. Distinguishing between stories that distance us or brings us into the graces of our natural souls
4. Ancestral prejudice versus original thinking verses unique thought
5. Making gifts for the spirit in the writing
6. Writing as sacrificial gifts to keep the world alive
7. Sentences as spoken things representing by their musicality the nature of what they are trying to say
8. Story as medicine, ways of beginning and leaving off
9. Incantation, prayer, magical vision, dreams
10. Seeing an osprey from the point of view of the underwater rock hiding a trout. Indigenous story listening and making
11. Miss Rosie, breaking rocks of cynical rationalism into grief sand to make a beach of metaphor and culture
12. Painting with words
13. Wrestling the monster of "I"
14. Wrestling the cultural giant of the verb "to be"
15. Much, much more
Workshop Details
Cost is $525.00
$150 deposit due with registration. Refundable until Jan.1st, 2004 less $30 handling fee
Space is limited to 80 participants. Please register early.
For registration form & refund policy (also see below...)
Workshop cost DOES NOTinclude lodging and food.
For our out-of-town guests transportation will be available for $65 RT to transport you to and from Ojo Caliente and the Albuquerque airport. Please schedule your flight to arrive before 3 pm on Sunday, Feb 22nd , and to leave after 4 pm on Sunday, Feb 29th
For more information about Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort visit: http://www.ojocalientespa.com
For more information about Hidden Wine events: Call 860-923-6987, or call
Fax #
E-mail: hiddenwine@earthlink.net
For more information about Martín Prechtel's Year 2004 Schedule visit: http://floweringmountain.com
Workshop Schedule
Workshop will begin at 7:30 pm Sunday Evening, Feb 22nd , and registration starts at 5 pm in the Round Barn. Workshop will end no later than 11 am on Sunday, Feb 29th
Schedule: Martin will teach for several hours each day - but the times will vary. However there will be plenty of time to enjoy the Hot Springs and natural beauty of the area.
Lodging and Food
We have reserved all of the cottages and hotel rooms at the Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resortat greatly reduced rates. The cost for a cottage is $68/night for single and $94/night for double plus tax for workshop participants. Hotel rooms are available at $56/night plus tax for single occupancy, $77/night plus tax for double occupancy. Cottage and hotel guests will receive unlimited access to the mineral pools and private baths plus a milagro wrap ($20/day value). Camping will be available for $10/night and the Mineral Springs will offer a special package for the mineral pools and bathhouses to campers.For those who would like other lodging options please contact us and we can make suggestions.
Call 1-800-222-9162 to reserve your lodging. Make sure you tell them you are registered for Hidden Wines session and if you wish to share a cottage with another participant when reserving your room. They accept all major credit cards. There is a very good restaurant at the hotel, and several others within walking distance. Participants are responsible for their own meals.
For more information about
Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort visit: http://ojocalientespa.com
Martín resides in New Mexico and works as an author, painter, musician, storyteller, teacher and always, a spiritual activist.
Praise for Secrets of the Talking Jaguar and "Long Life, Honey in the Heart"
"It's a precious thing, this book. I've never known another like it. It's a great encyclopedia of beauty... Like some poems of Neruda's, it is a treasure house of language, in service to life." Robert Bly
(author of "The Spell of the Sensuous")
"Prechtel...shows us how to infuse language with spirit and a sense of the sacred without sacrificing its sensuousness... how a trained bard of a traditionalist society might attack a writing project- with all 20 layers transparent and tingling!"
Steven Larson,
for Common Boundary
"The Mayan Gods, who hold eloquence above all else, must surely be pleased with this soul, who in this lifetime is named Martín Prechtel." Clarissa Pinkola Estés,
Ph.D., author of Women Who Run With Wolves
"A lyrical, haunting memoir of one man's spiritual rebirth... "Long Life, Honey in the Heart" is a cry from the heart a lonely yearning for an ancient, beautiful culture now gone forever." Iris Chang, author of The Rape of Nanking
"Martín Prechtel is one of the most profound teachers I have ever encountered. He is an unusually gifted artist, musician, storyteller who guides and initiates with passion, kindness, eloquence, wisdom, fierceness and humor, awakening us to the sacred realities present everywhere at all times. To be with Martín is to remember the forgotten divinity that is the very essence of who we are."Rabbi Aryeh Hirschfield
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![]() Northern New Mexico is one of the most spiritually alive, mysterious and spectacularly beautiful places on Earth. Native Peoples since forever have occupied the forested canyons, all red, yellow, pink, purple, blue, maroon, white, banded and stained, full of caves, and cliff dwelling ruins. |
Ojo Caliente
Centered in the most strikingly beautiful part of Northern New Mexico, Ojo Caliente hot springs was in use by the native peoples of the area for millenia, and first appeared on Spanish maps in the early 1600's. Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs was established in 1860 and is the oldest health spa in North America. |
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Workshop Registration Please print and send in with your registration deposit Name:............................................................................................................... Street:............................................................................................................... City:................................................... State:................ Zip:............................... Home Phone:.................................. Work Phone:............................................ Fax:..................................E-mail.......................................................................
A confirmation letter will be mailed or e-mailed on receipt of your registration deposit. |
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Please bookmark this page and return for updated program materials and information! URL http://www.hiddenwine.com/index.html ©2003 hiddenwine and MartinPrechtel Custom Print, Web design, hosting by 4insight LLC For help with your online presence: Contact Mark Stanley at 612-722-2076 or 612 801-7355 , or send e-mail to info@4insight.com, http://www.4nsight.com/ |